Gender-Affirming Letters

You’re Ready!

The thought has been on your mind for so long. Making the change has been on your mind, and you have been talking about it with others.

Feeling confident, at home, and comfortable in your body is essential, and you are ready to make the decision.

Taking this step will help you live your most authentic life in the future.

You are ready for a gender-affirming medical intervention.

But you need a letter.

Although you know what you want and have a good sense of where to obtain what you need, you still need a letter from a Master’s Level Mental Health Clinician.

There are worries that this process will be invasive, cumbersome, and lengthy. It is your right as a human to make decisions about your body, and this is another hoop you must jump through to get your needs met.

Getting a letter doesn’t have to be overwhelming or lengthy.

We will use an informed consent model and follow the WPATH Standards of Care. After a single 90-minute assessment, you could have the letter you need. You will be free to go on about your life with confidence following the assessment.

Here’s what you can expect.

We will meet for about 90 minutes one time. I will ask simple, straightforward questions about your current experiences regarding gender/gender identity, mental health, and other essential information about your life.

You will have the option of seeing a draft of and taking part in providing the information in your letter before it gets sent to your surgeon or doctor.

The process is swift and timely so that you can move on to other things.

You will not have to pay for a letter, only the assessment time. All assessments are pay-what-you-can/sliding scale.

Morgan* has firsthand knowledge of the process.

Morgan needed a letter for their upcoming top surgery. They felt very nervous about this process and kept putting it off.

They reached out for a one-time assessment and were relieved to hear that the process would involve them throughout and be swift.

Morgan obtained their letter and moved on with their life. If they needed anything else associated with their letter, I assured them they could return.

Looking back, Morgan felt the process was stress-free, and they were happy to complete things with only one visit.

Get what you need to be YOU!

This step doesn’t have to be hard for you; reach out now for a free-of-charge consultation. I look forward to hearing from you.

*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.